• Martyrs

    On behalf of the Bible and Gospel Trust, we designed a full colour history book with multiple images. From a Word file and a collection of images we designed this stunning hardback book complete with dust jacket.

  • hero martyrs 1
  • On behalf of the Bible and Gospel Trust, we designed a full colour history book; which consisted of multiple feature images to accentuate factual elements within the text. The layout of this particular project required a blend of factual copy paired with evidential images to enhance the readers experience and provided a more in-depth scope of the topic. In examples such as the Martyrs project, the team at Chandler Book Design quality checks each individual image, so that they may are of the best quality and most suitable for each corresponding section of the text.

    This project utilised a blend of client supplied images alongside resourcing images from collections. We designed this stunning hardback book complete with dust jacket; which elevated the quality of this particular book.

    Our design team liaised directly with photo libraries when required in order to retrieve additional images for the internal pages; this enabled the client to have more time concentrating on more essential tasks such as proof reading. One of the most notable qualities of service that we provide for our clients at Chandler Book Design is to take some of the strain out of publishing a book by being resourceful during the publication process.

    Front Cover and Chapter Start

    new 1 6 witnesses text 16 17

    new 1 6 witnesses text 28 29

    new 1 6 witnesses text 120 121

    new 1 6 witnesses text 102 103

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